
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Insane in the Surgery with Dr. Felix

After having it on my mind for some time I decided enough was enough, I would cut the damnable infestation out of my head myself, after all I had practiced brain surgery on others. I rigged up the necessary camera equipment and monitors and went to work. Today would be a victory over the gnawing insanity that threatened my very existence as the greatest brain surgeon ever.

It was a good thing my brother walked in when he did, such an excellent offsider, I had just made an incorrect incision with my right hand and my left hand had flown violently into the air, knocking the left camera out the window, I remember thinking that I should watch that vid, before hearing him scream, "Felix, you are not a fucking brain surgeon!" He rushed over and yanked the scalpel out of my hand. He had such a wonderfully strong constitution that the sight of the tissue and blood as well as the dirty high powered bone saw I had used did not cause him to bat an eyelid.

I immediately remembered that in fact I was not a surgeon, and that perhaps I had overreacted at my sub-consciouss again. Still it was a lovely little fantasy, the awards, the dinners and the parties. All in a split second, I had commenced to cutting soon after that second, gripped by a fear that I would lose these things, it caused me to smirk even now, the brilliant trick my own mind had played in me. I had not trusted the blasted thing for years.

My brother had good reason to be at odds with it, after it had fooled me into thinking that me and him were time travelling aliens sent to reconoiter the past of Earth in order to bring information to our superiors six hundred and forty nine years into the future, so that they could try to reverse the alarming situation that had developed on Earth at that time, involving super genetically enhanced humanoids, and the devastation they had wrought on the planet.

Now though, we had a mess to clean up. I spoke finally, after Piripi had cleaned up my head wound with some stitches and gauze.

"Piripi I must apologise, I was in the grip of the most beguiling idea, that I was the greatest brain surgeon on Earth and I had to cut out an invasive disease from my head before it was too late, so that I could save humanity through surgery and education, from the super genetically enhanced humanoids. It was wonderful actually."

"Well Felix I am glad you have seen this reason now, it is after all I who is the doctor, and of course your ongoing idea that I am your brother disturbs me immensely. I am your Psychiatrist, and I am worried about you, good thing I decided to call in unannounced. I cannot believe you have access to such equipment so easily. I suppose you ordered it online did you?"

He had a strange glint in his eye which worried me.

Just then a woman walked in and spoke directly to me. "Doctor, have you completed your procedure for the evening?"

I looked at Piripi, this was certainly an odd development, who was this woman dressed as a nurse? Was she actually a nurse, or was this some strange new procedure Piripi had dreamed up to cure me? It couldn't be, thoughts were flashing through my head now, maybe I was the world's greatest brain surgeon and the disease had gotten too far entrenched. Piripi looked worried.

I spoke calmly to the woman. "It's fine, I will tidy things up, thankyou for coming in though."

She left. I turned to Piripi.

" So, you are my psychiatrist are you Piripi? Was that your nurse? Am I having auditory hallucinations?"

A thought snuck into the side of my diseased brain, Piripi had been turned by the genetically enhanced superhumanoids, and was trying to stop me saving humanity. I started to back away toward the door.

I turned quickly and looked down the hallway, the nurse had taken a seat at the desk down the way. I was suddenly flabbergasted, it looked like a surgical hospital out there, not my house, or a psychiatric unit. Maybe I was a surgeon? This was odd. I turned back to Piripi. It wasn't Piripi, it was the skeleton I kept in my operating theater. I was again pretty sure I was the worlds greatest brain surgeon, blood was seeping from the wound in my head, it trickled down past the inside of my left eye and ran down my nose. I think this infection was too far gone.

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