
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Political Jargon.

The National party has again been true to form. In typical conservative fashion they have striven to uphold conservative status and standing by tweaking and changing the situation for their benefit ( funnily enough), while they remain in power, while doing their utmost to convince the people of New Zeland that they are trying to sort things out for the good of the entire populace.

When they are cooly going about the business of getting rich. And damn deficits and the people who create them. The logic of the almighty dollar. Never mind that the entirety of a society contributes to the organsim that it is, and that the spectre of debt, has been shown to be be the ghost that it is, with huge debts being wiped around the world in some cases. The role of the politician now is so symbiotic with big business that it is hard to see where one ends and the other starts, too many heads in laps and up asses.

This has become the overwhelmingly clear situation in NZ in the last thirty years, as both Labour and National have thrown their lot in with powerful business entities in a way like never before. There is an uneasy feeling amongst the populace as they realise they have been duped, while some struggle to pretend that they believe they still made the correct decision, while others vociferously declare they are with National, and believe in John Key! Chilling really.

Still there is of course a ray of hope, that common-sense will indeed prevail. Simply because it should do, seeing as most are aware that the best interests of a society at large, are not to purposefully deprive some of its members of resources for the reason they cannot pay their own way, while other members of the same Aotearoa buy their third boat. It is ridiculous and supremely aggravating. There are better political options that exist in the interest of the New Zeland people as a group. There are people and groups of people becoming politically active who will be able to shape the future in a way that is beneficial to all.

We need to ask serious questions of the two elitist and centre right options that exist in Labour and National (I must say though, there are still true left minded individuals in the Labour party, even if the party at large has been hijacked by money grubbing bastards. There is a far greater need to begin concerted strategising and well organised campaigning than ever before in NZ politics, or the charade of differing political agenda's will continue, and eventually sell NZ from underneath us. Break on through to the other side people, we need to let the world know we will not be coerced into further slavery, the time is now...

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