
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Possibilities that may exist

Take a step into the future. Where humanity will be in one thousand years. Impossible, and foolhardy. I see around me intense fixation on the past. Entire branches of the media devoted to relaying the boring events of the last few hours. Further back though, with these books of 'god', written by men? Haha, someone is having a laugh.

Living the strange lie of realizing what the world is about in many deep and odd ways, it is often hard to find anyone with which to talk about this with. Such a facade in the workplace, the image of the person is given to the work associates and perfected over time according to design.

Humanity is dysfunctional on a level where people are sick of hearing it. They don't care anymore, apathy prevails as people give into brutal biological reckonings of what humanity is, immediately giving people the defense of 'their animal nature' prompting them. May we engage our cognitive powers more willingly in the future, instead of wasting them as we do on television, video games and other such fanciful pastimes. Humanity is stalled, and needs to push through the mayhem and solidify a plan in a more meaningful and all encompassing manner.

The notion of any sort of division according to nationality is something that needs to be left behind. The struggle is and will be those in power and those not, no matter your race or even religion in the end. 'Race' and 'Religion' should and hopefully will, become merely reference topics for a guide to redundant follies.

There is much we have learned. And much we will. I pretend to know something sometimes, but most of the time I have not arrived anywhere in terms of a solid philosophy. It just becomes so severely taxing when you regard the world at a slight angle on occasion. It is often then that you realize you are taking it too easily, the deranged makeup of modern society is terribly inefficient and causes many deaths in the general populace. The distribution of money is completely warped in favour of groups and people who waste it on frivolities and great economic ventures, losing millions on the stock market and having fiendishly over the top extravagant parties while millions starve.

The horror of that is so cliched now though. The image should not be though, that of a small child emaciated and feverish fading away into death because there is no food while western families throw away tonnes of good food a year. Does this not seem odd?

To me, yes,it does, terribly negligent really, as this situation is not new. It could have been cleared up years ago by a more functional United Nations with more power and clearer goals. And essentially, a higher ratio of scientists and artists in these councils also. There is no reason why it is not so when you really get down to brass tacks. Lawyers and economists run the govt? How functionally prepared can you be for skulduggery. The other branches of science and the arts are where balance could finally be achieved in some way that could provide a more reliable reflection of the desires of the greater community. On the back of course of a far better funded education system.

All the world should implement large scale education programs across their countries, it should be a United Nations initiative, 'educate the world'.

Possibilities that may exist.

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