We live in a world and a system that encourages terrorism, let me explain.
The tyranny, banality and hopelessness of modern life has ostracized certain individuals to the point where they see their only alternative is to engage in destructive acts of terror or to hurt or destroy others in their quest for revenge. This obviously indicates that the system is at fault. People say that terrorists are wrong and evil and so on, but it is in many, if not all cases, the system that has in some way driven them to a level of desperation that is unfathomable for some people on the planet, particularly those in the plentiful and wealthy west. Even in the west though, people are not happy and the world is not capable of making them happy. Hopelessness grows and develops into hatred and certain individuals within the land of plenty also become disenfranchised and become so deranged that that see everyone else as guilty.
This is where a major problem lies. Because normal people participate in the system, for whatever reason, be it to provide for their family, or just have a life where they can live in moderate comfort, they are seen as part of the system that pushes down its control on these individuals who have this hatred for the modern world. So they can then actively excuse themselves for harming innocents, because they see everyone as guilty. This can only lead to destruction and acts of terror, that in turn lead to greater levels of state control and a type of techno fascist regime that has to this point only been imagined. The possible salvation lies in the fact that with greater control comes the possibility of a greater level of input into education and enlightenment possibilities.
It does sound rather chilling in one way, but the greater possibilities of a system of total technological control would in the end lead to a type of utopia. Providing of course that certain levels of excellence in all fields of human endeavor were still pursued. I really think that the pain will precede the pleasure in terms of the future of the human race, in that there will be a period where the state has to enact certain desperate measures in order to regain control over greater numbers of disaffected citizens than it has ever had to deal with. Once destructive and antisocial ideas can be isolated, it will be possible to then begin to truly create a productive and positive future, one not so focused on the ridiculous delusions that the current society is obsessed with i.e. everything that is rammed down our throats on a daily basis by the media.
We still exist in a sort of potentiality vacuum according to the infinite possibility of a human being. Taught to value things that mean nothing at all and to devote our entire lives to things that are mere illusions. This illusory life and thought life creates the cynicism and destructive nature that is leading the planet on its merry dance toward the doom of the entire ecosystem and life as we know it. Most of the things we base our entire existence and everyday lives around, are not real.