
Thursday, August 29, 2013

From Lincoln to Obama- Emancipation to World Enslavement and Syrian invasion

Abraham Lincoln, "The Great Emancipator". There was no doubt that Lincoln was a thoughtful man, who was often consumed with self doubt. He questioned himself at almost every turn, and reasoned things to their utmost conclusion. The political situation he thrived in was as treacherous as has been seen in global politics.

By many accounts he cared deeply for the plight of those who were bonded servants and slaves proper. He himself having spent time working for little or nothing in slave like conditions. He also journeyed as a young man into the South and saw the conditions and day to day life of slaves and was appalled. His parents no doubt had something to do with his stance, attending an anti-slavery baptist church, though Lincoln himself was more of an agnostic.

He and his government transformed the industrial future of the US. Mobilising the true power of the United States in its effort to win the war against the errant South. This at the time was argued to create conditions very similar to slavery. Men working on railroad builds or canal work were not much better off than slaves in many respects.

The moral outcry could arise here. He freed the slaves but created a new type of slavery.

The interesting point to note here is that without the industrial complex that came about as a result of that civil war (which in terms of the future power and influence of the US, they did need, despite what Axl Rose may think) the United States could not have emerged in the twentieth century as the preeminent global superpower.

We would be without the great cultural benefits that flowed from it. The art, music, idea's and people. These things flowed about the earth, opening the eyes and minds of millions in a good way. So despite the industrial revolution creating a working situations which can be considered "enslavement", the nature of the it was such that people working embraced the cause, because they were paid.

The system needs an overhaul but elements of it work really well. The idea of people contributing to the goals of the state is an important one. Everyone contributing to the greater good.

It is too often that all we hear is the bad that the US does, or the harm that it causes.

Beyond the foreign policy, there is a lot more to the place, and the people who exist in it. It is also like a gigantic living thing, and life sucks the life out of life, often to the point of death. That is the nature of the universe.

Back to the potential for moral outcry in a place like the USA though. The only reason a moral outcry is ever possible is because the people who are crying out morally are members of the very same state that is in the dominating position. They can oppose the situation without fear of any reprisal.

They owe to the cause of their moral outrage the very ability to engage such morality.

Lincoln was crucial in that he created the opportunity for the United States to continue to emerge as a unified group of political entities. The secession could well have been the end of the United States as we know it. An extremely important factor was of course the reasoning of the two conflicting sides. They both saw the enemy as friends and fellow citizens that needed to be brought into line.

This made the reformation that took place inevitable.

Lincolns government laid the framework for the industrial complex, enabling Yankee industry to take off and drive the United States to the four corners of the globe.

Obama sits in the seat of responsibility, that is disguised as the seat of power. Lincoln was in a similar political set up, though his words and actions had far more effect than Obama does in terms of his personal politics. Obama seems to have found that he has had to put aside a lot of what he himself believes as right, in order to cater to the needs of the United States.

Obama of course almost the ultimate symbol of emancipation. The black president.

How bewildering that he should be in control of the nation that enslaves the earth? The tendrils of the military industrial corporate complex covering the planet.

One thinks Lincoln himself would have been absolutely mortified. Modern day slavery, lifelong toil so others live in gilded comfort? He was however, an industrious man by nature and worked his way from being a mere yard boy to one of the most powerful offices on the planet. He saw the value of hard work and the potential that existed in the individual.

Lincoln set the scene for the acceleration. It is truly astounding, the speed of technological development around us, and the manner at which it sped up in the mid 1800's.

It is remarkable to think of the manner in which Lincoln is responsible for the current global situation. The United States owes its position to men like him.

They were certainly different animals though, more able to express their opinion. Rather than being cowed and guided by PR teams and economic factors. One of the most endearing things about a historic political figure like Lincoln was that he worried himself into premature aging while in the presidency.

He never thought he knew exactly what to do and tortured himself with analysis of what to do in certain situations. He took the guilt of the nation in terms of the deaths of Union soldiers. He seemed to care far more.

Then again, what does the world know of Obama's internal struggle? The mind boggles at what the man must have to deal with alone in his head.

The current Syria situation is an excellent opportunity to flex US muscle again in a military sense and to gain a strategic location that will prove very useful. The neo-con objectives are slowly completed. Remarkably, with a Democrat in the White house!

Russia have backed down slightly and the bullish US seems to be about to get their way. Such is the nature of empires. In many ways, you can only watch as these things happen. You certainly do not have to agree with them though.

The UN continues to be merely a decoration on the shoulder of the United States as a gigantic soldier, shooting first and writing contracts later.

Whereas the UN should be the worlds most powerful political entity. Capable of shutting down any individual countries aims or ambitions in terms of conquest and empire strengthening.

Until the UN becomes more powerful, we have to wait and watch as certain powerful national entities do as they please.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The world creates more terrorists every day.

We live in a world and a system that encourages terrorism, let me explain.

The tyranny, banality and hopelessness of modern life has ostracized certain individuals to the point where they see their only alternative is to engage in destructive acts of terror or to hurt or destroy others in their quest for revenge. This obviously indicates that the system is at fault. People say that terrorists are wrong and evil and so on, but it is in many, if not all cases, the system that has in some way driven them to a level of desperation that is unfathomable for some people on the planet, particularly those in the plentiful and wealthy west. Even in the west though, people are not happy and the world is not capable of making them happy. Hopelessness grows and develops into hatred and certain individuals within the land of plenty also become disenfranchised and become so deranged that that see everyone else as guilty.

This is where a major problem lies. Because normal people participate in the system, for whatever reason, be it to provide for their family, or just have a life where they can live in moderate comfort, they are seen as part of the system that pushes down its control on these individuals who have this hatred for the modern world. So they can then actively excuse themselves for harming innocents, because they see everyone as guilty. This can only lead to destruction and acts of terror, that in turn lead to greater levels of state control and a type of techno fascist regime that has to this point only been imagined. The possible salvation lies in the fact that with greater control comes the possibility of a greater level of input into education and enlightenment possibilities.

It does sound rather chilling in one way, but the greater possibilities of a system of total technological control would in the end lead to a type of utopia. Providing of course that certain levels of excellence in all fields of human endeavor were still pursued. I really think that the pain will precede the pleasure in terms of the future of the human race, in that there will be a period where the state has to enact certain desperate measures in order to regain control over greater numbers of disaffected citizens than it has ever had to deal with. Once destructive and antisocial ideas can be isolated, it will be possible to then begin to truly create a productive and positive future, one not so focused on the ridiculous delusions that the current society is obsessed with i.e. everything that is rammed down our throats on a daily basis by the media.

We still exist in a sort of potentiality vacuum according to the infinite possibility of a human being. Taught to value things that mean nothing at all and to devote our entire lives to things that are mere illusions. This illusory life and thought life creates the cynicism and destructive nature that is leading the planet on its merry dance toward the doom of the entire ecosystem and life as we know it. Most of the things we base our entire existence and everyday lives around, are not real.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Thin insecurities interwoven throughout my mind

Plagued by knowledge, I have tried to think of ways, that I could find an answer to my minds many questions. Questions that whisper incessant doubt of my own attempts at understanding anything.

For if knowledge is a quest that brings eventual illumination, how is it that ignorance can be such bliss and understanding and realization of things can bring such pounding doubt? Knowledge comes with the price, that as you learn more, you realize you know far less. It is no surprise to me that many of the greatest minds that have gone before us, seem to have subsided into stricken and maddening frustration. It seems often far more fulfilling to merely write things that make people wince or smile, than things that actually make people think.

I have often found myself driven by the desire to show people how clever I can be, when this is really just foolhardy, in that it means so little that I should not have even bothered in the first place. I need a whisky. Need? Want. Will it steel my resolve so that I may continue to try and make words appear to make sense on this page?

Plagued by the plague were the citizens of London, when in a moment of ill-luck, a bakery caught fire and cathartic flames swept away the terror of death and sickness that threatened that city. Was it good that the bakery went up in smoke, scorching the city and its inhabitants to a more ruder health? Why yes, we are told, as London went on to become briefly, the centre of a global empire.

Its knowledge swept to all corners of the earth, taking with it the rasping intellectualism of a nation and a people in awe of themselves, a vanity which has strode on through the ages. It is now easy to look upon the failed empire of the British and scold it for its misguided deeds and morbid incompetence. Though in the new age that followed, what have we in terms of empire? The insecure bully that is the United States? Its flailing attempts to be king. Though of course, its self doubt and fear are in the end the undoing of it.

The cultural hold its corporately deranged media the only thing it really has left after the terror of its fantastic weaponry. A rather tenuous cultural hold that is scorned and applauded in equal measure. The longer this empire strains to hold its position of dominance, the easier it becomes to forget any positive aspect of its heritage. Depravity and violence become art form.

Art that is consumed with hatred of its subject, and despair at its incompetence. I sometimes think we so far from understanding ourselves that instead we look upon that which we do with contempt, breeding fear of how we are viewed by others. We are taught to envy these days, as though it is a good thing to do, so that we may strive harder and longer to better our contemporaries.

I spoke earlier today to an acquaintance, telling him of a dream I once had. I stood on a small plain overhung with great sheer and jagged green cliffs. The sea to one side and the face of the cliffs to the other. I looked out toward the mouth of a great river. A large plane was hurtling toward the bank of the river, and it smashed with devastating force into the ground on the shores of the rivers mouth. Flame and smoke billowed from the wreckage and people spilled out into view, running in terror as the plane slowly transformed into what looked like a huge wrecked ocean liner. I gazed upon this for a moment before becoming aware of an angelic being flying down from the sky above me with a fiery ball in its hands. It alighted in front of me and wordlessly handed the ball to me, and it did not burn, and I held it.

I suddenly realized that I could use the fire-ball to fly, and it was magnificent, I flew around the landscape, across the cliffs and over the wreckage of the plane/ocean liner. I do not remember what it was that drew me out of that dream, as it was around ten years ago that I had it. In a rickety old house in Thorndon, in the city of Wellington, my second home in New Zealand. Probably an alarm clock radio. With its musical interruption of rest.

I have no clue what that dream represented. And have not really thought long and hard on it. I did enjoy it immensely, and the flight was lovely, as I had complete control over it, something I have not experienced in many other dreams. Save one I had only three nights ago.

This dream involved a high powered speed boat and me the driver, in total control speeding around what at times appeared to be the South Coast of Wellington and then at times seemed to be like the Mediterranean coast of Greece. It was rather disturbing how fast the boat would go and the amount of rocky dangers that appeared in the water ahead of me, though I managed to negotiate all hazards without damaging myself or the vessel and then found myself at the doorstep of an old friends house. I stepped from the boat and onto the porch of his house and went inside and spoke with him and his house mates. We sat down and enjoyed some delicious cake that his mother had baked. And then I awoke. That dream reminded me of the angel dream. All quite odd and inspirational, as well as entertaining and beguiling.

I hope this finds you in good health if you have read to here. And if you have not, may your big toe throb like never before and your left ear ring for a full five minutes.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Aquatic brain tonic

Beatifically boisterously bellowing down the road, a loud, deep sound, from the lungs all around,

The backdrop the hum and beep of traffic, belting across ground, pedestrian churlishness witnessed aplenty, it seems at times, their heads are empty,

A limerick, no, I would not propose such, just a verse along a watery line, the time today, we journeyed to the brine,

A few friends met, then the salty plunge, the water deep, though around you it quivers, refreshing coolness beneath the waves,

Far from the pastimes that have our days, perhaps not though, if you were employed, by the ocean, Neptune's servant with great devotion,

A lovely drive to the edge of the Tasman, and a splendid frolic in the vicinity of the water, sun drenched and reflective.