What is it that I think I know that no one else does? I am not sure. Billions of people on what is termed a planet, a planet in a solar system in a galaxy in a universe that apparently is stretching, growing or something along those lines. The possibilities seem infinite at this stage.
Alas, due to some reason we have reduced ourselves to finite possibility. We most of the time are told to ‘live in the real world’, which is of course the world of finite possibility. The world where you attend school for a time get a job, accumulate possessions friends and family before dying, hopefully comfortably and with a nice funeral.
In a universe where the possibilities seem infinite, I believe many of us have chosen to believe that which is told to us, that is, many of us have chosen to think of things in quantifiable finites, rather than in the realm of possibility. A rather excellent cliché is ‘The possibilities are endless’, and it is inarguable most of the time. Even within the realm of quantifiable finites.
It seems that if you were to become too concerned with quantifiable finites, you would begin to consider your fellow humans to be quantifiably finite as well. This is a rather disturbing development. Because of course now you can think of people as similar to possessions or quantifiable goods. It is a small leap sideways in the mind, consider the ease with which you are able to do it, thanks to years of indoctrination.
You would, caught up in quantifiable finites, then begin to care less for others and in fact be apathetic in the face of their distress or misfortune. That thing which apparently represents our opinions, the media, of course backs this up. Its programming consisting apparently of what is ‘hip’ or ‘current’, when in fact it is the regurgitation of a governmental control system that has been in place for thousands of years. This much is while not obvious, easily discernable to the eye that wishes to see.
The sideshows of humanity, sport, movies, war.
The things that consume us; all of them representations of superiority and frequently repeatedly glorifying violence and death, the food of the media, that which makes it tick.
In the age of enlightenment, many billions still suffer, without that which would make them able to turn their mind toward the collective human effort to understand the reality of our existence. Many and most are as equal a being as anyone else on the planet is, but this is conveniently forgotten by many now, why should I feel guilt for the plight of those who do not help themselves.
Humanity survives on humanity, without others, you would be nothing, and as nothing, you would disappear. Finite possibility, finite possibility is too be dispensed with at all costs. It is necessary for the good of humanity and the future of it that infinite possibility is returned to its place as one of humanity’s formative notions. Limiting and trying to quantify is unhealthy and unwise and leads inevitably to hardship and death for someone somewhere, however indirect it could be, it still happens because you buy a particular product that someone somewhere goes without and quite possibly suffers, these are the possibilities of quantifiable finite notion.
With a notion that embraces the unlimited possibility of the universe, you could therefore never arrive on a quantifiable finite as a future, other than a guess at when your mortality would cause you to succumb to time and its soft whisper. On the other hand, perhaps fate would have other plans for you, a skiing accident or kicked to death begging in an alley. Either way, you would be unwise to have ceased believing in the possibilities of the future of humankind. The unfathomable possibilities that an ever-expanding universe actually represents to humankind, that which should make us superhuman, though in actuality we have become distracted from it by vanity and self loathing, a wicked combination of the two that makes us ultra competitive, paranoid and destructive, to self and others.
It is not of course all doom and gloom of course, there is certainly much fun and hilarity to be had playing the games of a warped mind, and to be quite truthful they still pique my interest on occasion, which is a good thing. For it is often in these induced states that we discover more about ourselves than we ever do trapped in the mentality of the physical indoctrinated world.
Beyond the realm of finite possibility, when the suffocating gauze of the physical world is rendered less overwhelming and the world sometimes referred to as the ‘spiritual world’ is revealed to us. The world that is ulterior to that which is termed ‘physical’, the world where the mind has its edges dulled and sharpened at strange points, points where possibilities can become endless, and where the future of humanity is often forged.
For where would we be without the dreamers, those who truly believe in endless possibility? In some sort of watered down stoic fascist existence believing the tripe spouted to you by the media and the notions of the ruling elite. Sounds familiar, though of course, we are not that far gone yet, while we still believe in love and the essential good of humanity, we are not lost. While we still harbor ideas of exploring the universe further, we are not lost. While we still feel any moment of sadness for the plight of another, we are not lost. While we still believe in the realm of endless possibility, we could never be lost. The possibility of you is endless, it is we who set quantifiable finites in place for what we can achieve, and it is our duty to the future of humanity to no longer do so.