Music and movement, and the human physicality that engages such things, is it mere genetic coincidence? A convergence of something, something unreal, something surreal, a sweet sound, a tantalizing wisp of tune, far off in the cacophony of the Wellington evening, is that a Nudge? A little tap on the shoulder from something special, it is something to wonder about, a small coincidence, like a bird that dives across the sun shading your eyes for a moment so you see the darting flash of a fish in the water before you. Like something that pops into your minds eye out of the billowing breeze. Perhaps sound, an image, or a spiritual energy.
There is no common occurrence, we are all quite disturbingly different, difference being what generates interest, and of course as a flow on, vitality. The similarities between people are quite striking, and then the difference arises. Beautiful difference, that boon of uniqueness, that windfall of wonderful inspiration, that deviation from type that makes you think twice, and act thrice.
The very album you hold in your hand in fact, is something different, and perhaps something that could whirl your consciousness for a moment, perplex the pitter-patter of your palpitating heart, as time flies past you, rushing about your ears. The Nudge is music that is easily difficult to fathom, and frequently impossible to describe, but if you wish you might just move to the beat, and let your soul control your feet.
The respective members of The Nudge have decided their volition is music, and it is obvious when you see them, music rolls off their being, inspirational and beguiling they seem to be.
Music has been magical throughout the ages. The magic exists within music and in people, a snatch of a song, the breath of a lyric, that can disturb, terrify or enrich, such are the beautiful myriad happenings that occur in the throes of a musical moment.
Let us listen to the shaman, and see what they have to play us, what words do they sing, what notes do the play, what sweet sentiment could be voiced on the air today?
Is it beautiful? Adversely, is it disturbed? In aplenty, is it visually quite absurd? Your idea is your own, the beauty of humanity is individuality, that golden happening, the moment that it is plain how different you are to your best friend, a universal human moment. Let us tune ourselves to the magical arrangements offered up on this album, and appreciate them for the sheer impossibility, that these fellows should end up making music together, because they so easily could have been everywhere else, though now, luckily for you, you hold in your hand a passage to a place not seen often.
So tread carefully with this music in your hand, for it is a precious and beautiful thing and a ticket to somewhere you may not be all the time. It is a different part of your being, your brain in particular. According to science, we use less than half of our brain actively, and how can this be?
Why have we not learned how to solve this problem logically and industriously? The simple answer is that the rest of the brain is something quite magical, and science may get a handle on it as a concept eventually, but in the meantime, the magical and the unexplained is of course, scientifically unaccountable.
Move, dance, sing, career, spin, jig, jump, hop, cartwheel, we must move and dance, we must listen to music, it is a key concept in human life, through the ages, the shaman have fronted their notion, and the people listen. It is something beyond life and death, when you hear music that moves you, stuff that makes your soul shake in your spirit. We are merely flying through space on a giant lump of rock, as minute beings according to the scale of the objects that surround us. We should appreciate the coincidence of our existence more, think on such things, as you lay this album down to play, let your mind loose, let it stray, and your mind could drift away.