
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ramble Jamboree-Week One-Existential rambling leading into ramblings on world thought and the chaos engine of militant religion.

The ramble jamboree has begun.
Write for the sake of writing I always say to myself, and why not.
Ghastly ghoulish ramblings of no particular intent will really get you everywhere and nowhere at the same time. For while you may reach different points where insight can be taken, if you do not start with a clear subject you can easily end with a torrid rant on a wealth of nothing at all.
This is not such a rant though, it is actually a challenge to those who write to actually do so in order to really make people think, to really bend their minds. Why would you not do this? Try to coax readers into breaking through to the mental point of wonder at the existence of the universe and us in it. So bitter we have become, looking backwards for answers to the future, stumbling blindly with our backs turned on what should be our focus, with myriad distractions, obsession with sex, sport, media, and work.
The quest for the real answers has taken a back seat to rampaging materialism and excess that serves little meaningful purpose and serves to inflame old wounds of injustice, just as significant progress is made in the ability to manage the worlds entire population in a more fair and dignified manner.
The world is glued to the distractions, the comforts, in my own life I find myself obsessed on occasion with association football, which is really just a pastime with which to maintain some level of fitness and vitality, but which actually can send one temporarily insane. Utterly meaningless, it is though.
Why is the global consciousness not more productive, proactive and unified?
It still has a lot to do with men who came well before our time and their individual assertions that they were the messengers of god. A disturbingly diabolical amount of it actually, as religious extremists from both camps engage in their perceived 'holy wars' at the expense of the usually sane innocents who become victims.
Proclaiming they know exactly what everything is about because they have a book that was first written thousands of years ago and then rewritten several times in the hundreds of years that followed. "We know!" They exclaim merrily.
"You are blasphemers, god will strike you down, or I will fulfill gods will!"
Its rather difficult to argue with those who act in this manner, and the sane are eventually driven to their own madness elsewhere. Historical religiosity is just an element of the chaos engine.
The chaos engine. I like the sound of that, it was a game i had on one of the pc's we had when I grew up. The universe is the chaos engine I suppose, and religion is one defining aspect of the chaos, however minimal it proves to be is only to be discovered. Don't we always find away to enjoy love and laughter though? In the middle of the uncertainty of the world and its relentless orbit, we can still be free, no matter the shackles modern super fascism puts on us.
We need a proposition of some sort, a definition of objectives and intent, it is a must, some way must be discovered by which we are able to shake off the malaise of history, throw it to the wolf that is senility and fading memory, let it fade. Some strange and wonderfully dynamic proposition.
I propose nothing though, this is a meaningless rant. Really just meant to entertain. It entertained me anyway.