I am pretty sure I am one of the medicated generations, for there have been a few. Medicated throughout life, from birth to death, with all manner of tonics, medicines and pills.
Thats right, to get through life now, the people in the world who have everything, take lots of pills to deal with having everything, mainly for the guilt of having everything and watching children dying on tv. Hahaha, well, perhaps not always for that, there are myriad reasons of course, you name one.
I must take these pills, because I cannot cope anymore.
It seems a modern phenomenon, and to a certain extent and looked at in a certain way, it is. However, if you look at it as just a progression, there have been 'priests', 'wizards, witches, 'shaman' etc. taking medicines and administering them to others for thousands of years.
The modern world though, is quite full of the notion that we need to take pills because our brains cannot handle the pressure. If this is indeed the case, then why are we not addressing the reasons that everyone goes crazy?
The beast that is society is driving us all crazy. The ravenous animal that is destroying earth and its inhabitants for the sake of securing more 'resources'.
Let us pray to this beast to save us. The beast has proven there are no gods. Then who can we turn to for comfort? Take these pills. Who made them? Doctors and scientists and laboratory technicians. Oh good, down the hatch.
Medicate or face the true peril of the earth. If you choose not to you may just choose self medicate with drugs of your choice, which is a big no-no. The state controls your drug intake, or else. Free will is a dangerous thing as well.
So the state gets you when you pop out of the womb, you get hit with something, and from then on it is the thing that is turned to on any occasion of distress or injury. The comforting caress of medication and all its safety. Honestly, how many harmful medicines do you think have been made available over the years. The perfect example being doctors who prescribed smoking as a good way to deal with anxiety. Perhaps a little extreme, but then extreme in these circumstances is something that goes to gigantic proportions, so really its not an extreme example at all, unless you want it to be.
The state controls your meds, you're schooling and then you are out into the workforce, an element of the larger state, a participant in its systems and a consumer of its information and sustenance. This is not a bad place to be a lot of the time and many roll along in the sheer nothingness of it, as they 'work sweat and slave, saving for a shallow grave' or words to that effect were said by Jim Morrison, the crazy and gifted singing deranged poet who had some interesting insights.
Rolling along in the nothingness of it until something unfortunate happens. Not an accident but a blemish of the soul, an emotional pothole. Where to turn? Well, I know someone who started taking these, they gave them to me, try one if you want. Okay.
Why are we not looking at the root causes of this dependence on meds and fixing it where it is coming from. Children are administered psychiatric medicine at some ridiculous ages now, and for them, it is just the beginning of a life in the grip of chemicals, and the whim of their psychiatrist.
Does this not strike you as odd?
The scientists are just the alchemists evolved so it should be expected that they should create chemicals that contribute to the alchemy of the state system that creates gold from the hopes and dreams of billions, for the greed of a greedy few.
Of course this is forgetting all the 'crusading' (unfortunate reference to a rather depraved military conflict) scientists who are out to save the world. They are of course to be admired for their tenacious will to succeed and excellent and innovative skill ratio. As I do.
It is the state that controls us now though, the great automatic robot of the state that has now been programmed a certain way and we can never go back state. Yes, that state.
I walked outside the other night and paused with wonder beneath a gum tree at the back of the house, moving in the wind it shook, as the gusts twisted its branches. Off to the east were clouds on the hills and to the west clouds as well, rolling through the skies above me, I was amazed at the sheer beautiful power of it, the astonishing force that propels it, that which is by all accounts still far beyond man. In the force of its creativity anyway. Or even perhaps the force of its ability to unleash power while only causing superficial damage. Man have not really sorted this one properly yet. Just big bombs that come close to the force of nature but never truly will, because they have no replenishing factor.
Truly I am one of the medicated generations, as anyone reading this is. Just what the fuck are they prescribing people these days anyway, if you check it out properly it is some interesting study.
Back to the gum tree though, it frequently has a few Tui up there squawking singing and jumping about. They are a boisterous bunch, very comfortable in what they do. It is a splendid thing to see them behave in a manner we can automatically relate to characters we know. They leap from branch to branch speaking in loud voices, before one has enough and flys off and then is actually being chased off as another tries to attack it, in the air, a great show it is, diving and weaving like I imagine fighter planes would have in the days before jets. The slow metal dance of doom in the skies. Air combat. What a concept. The birds showed us how to do it I suppose, or we watched them and did as we saw, they actually did it without a care.
Something that is now beyond humanity. It is a rare person indeed, you find that is fully carefree.
They exist though, I have been one for a time, though in and out of this persona I have lived my life. From no cares to many and then whatever comes next.
Good evening.